Expenses & Rebirth​

Expenditures – whether it is auspicious or inauspicious expense, at what age and how  or for whom the expenses will be, rebirth – liberation in this birth, if not then where and for whom you will take birth next, liberation in next birth, your name, profession, career in your next birth. Native’s political  life will also be explained in this chapter – which sign and colour will suit you, up to which level you would be able to go in your political life, changes in political career and position, dos & don’t in your political life which affects your career.

Special Chapter

Shanti Chapter:- Reason for this birth, what are all the problems you are facing because of that karma, from which birth the karmas are following you, whether you were a male or female child in that birth, what was your name and your parent’s name, siblings, wife and children you has in that birth. What are all the good and the wrong deeds you had committed in that birth and how it is getting reflected in the current birth, how to remove those karmas by doing the pooja and temple visits will be given in this chapter.
Diksha Chapter: – You can resolve the issues you are facing because of humans and planets through doing the pooja as mentioned in this chapter. Problems created by humans like, jealous eye, evil eye, black magic effects, enemy – direct or indirect enemy problems, ancestral curses etc. Specific mantra encrypted for you in your nadi leaf will be explained to you which will act as a protector/shield against the negativities created by humans and unfavourable planetary conditions. About the mantra – how, when and through whom will also be explained in this chapter.
Medicinal Chapter:- This chapter speaks about the disease which you may have to suffer in this life, at what age and reason for that disease, whether you would be able to come out of the disease, medicinal treatments whether allopathic, siddha or ayurveda wil help you to come out of the disease. Medicinal combinations and the diet you should follow. The things to be avoided and added into your lifestyle to get cured soon out of the disease. Maharishis has written the solutions for almost all the health related troubles which affect brain, liver, kidney, intestines, heart, lungs, back bone, sexual organs, problems related to sexual fluids which helps for progeny etc. Critical incurable diseases can also be cured using this medicinal chapter.
Dashabukthi :- This chapter speaks about both positives and negatives  you may face, immediate solutions for your problems and guidance for  specific year, month and even for a day it can be explained.
Njana Kandam:- Spirituality is the one subject covered in this chapter but in a detailed way. How long you would be able to travel in the way of spirituality – karmic life, mastering the mind and mindless states called liberation are possible. When and how you are going to fulfil your journey of spirituality, whether you would be able to complete the journey, the obstacles you may face to fulfil your spiritual way of this birth and the solutions to achieve liberation without having any rebirth. Kundalini chakra activations and the procedures to be followed at what age, month, date and which hora you would be able to achieve. Through whom and whose support you would be able to achieve the state of salvation , when and how will be explained.  Blessings of your spiritual guru and your guru’s details.
Prasna Kanda:-  This chapter speaks about the current situations – both positives and negatives.  You can write the questions in your mind for which direct answers will be given through this chapter. Some immediate solutions are also given in this leaf by maharishis to help you to come out of the problems you are facing. This chapter will help you to make any major decisions in your life.
Aasi Kanda:- Without raising any questions, you will get the answers for your queries which are in your mind. Reason for your problems and solutions will be explained. How, when and where you would be able to get out of the trouble and the solutions will be given in this chapter. Not only for you but also for your entire family will be benefited. Answers for Spiritual and materialistic life will be explained in this chapter.